Tendering For Bus Routes Must Not Cut Off Communities

There are valid concerns over the Government’s proposals to tender operation of bus routes in Kildare. It was announced that 10% of routes servicing Naas and other towns and villages in the county will be put out to tender in November this year. Many of these routes service​ rural communities Continue Reading →

Additional Shelter Installed at Sallins Train Station

The long awaited installation of the second rain shelter at Sallins & Naas train station has finally gone ahead. I have campaigned for this since the station upgrade last year. With the numbers using the Dublin platform daily a single shelter was totally inadequate in any inclement weather. Following repeated Continue Reading →

Still no shelter in sight at Sallins and Naas train station.

Sallins and Naas railway station has been undergoing maintenance and upgrade works for the past several months and installation of a new footbridge and ramp has almost completed. Whilst welcoming the upgrade, spokesperson for NASRUG (Naas and Sallins Rail Users Group) James Lawless said it was important the station retain Continue Reading →