Council Passes Motion for Overhaul of Naas Parking By-Laws

A full review of Naas town parking by-laws was agreed at a recent meeting of the Naas Municipal District. A motion I put forward was passed by the council seeking to immediately commence a review of the pay parking laws around the town. After 18 months of effort to improve Continue Reading →

Parking Proposals for Naas Town

Whilst there are a number of car parking options available throughout the town of Naas I strongly feel the presence of clamping operators in some of the car parks is a significant hurdle to the town centre development. I have tabled a motion for this month’s council meeting to engage Continue Reading →

UPDATE: Parking in Naas Town (as of February 2015)

A good meeting was held in Naas re the National Transport Authority proposals to change the layout of the Dublin road in Naas and pedestrianise Poplar Square. Whilst I feel some of the project has merit, such as increased cycle lanes and pedestrian crossings, I feel the loss of parking Continue Reading →

Update: Naas Town Centre

One of the themes of my election campaign was to revitalise Naas town centre and restore the commercial heart of the town. Last August, shortly after being elected to the positions of Naas Mayor and Deputy Mayor respectively, Cllr. Seamie Moore and myself embarked on a series of meetings with Continue Reading →

Meeting With Naas Traders – Naas Town Revival

Recently I held a very productive meeting with a group of Naas traders during which I outlined that the revival of the town centre is one of my top priorities if elected to the council in May 2014 I came to live in Naas when it was a thriving town and as the Continue Reading →