Newtown NS to get four new classrooms

A number of weeks ago I had pleasure of visiting Newtown National School with local Cllr. Paul Ward. Meeting with teaching staff it was very clear that the school had reached full capacity and urgently required additional classrooms. Having raised this with the Minister for Education in the Dáil I Continue Reading →

Kilcock Park and Ride Bye-Laws On Public Consultation

Draft parking bye-laws for Kilcock go on display on August 21st. The proposal is to regulate parking so that there is a maximum stay introduced of two hours, to encourage turnover of spaces, however there is no element of pay parking involved and spaces will remain free of charge within Continue Reading →

Raising need for park and ride funding with Minister

I have spoken with the Minister to highlight the urgent need for additional car parking facilities to accommodate the growing use of public transport in Kildare North. From my representations with the Minister I understand there is little funding available but he has informed me that a midterm review is Continue Reading →

Kilcock Train Fares Reduced by Half

Having secured a reduction in train fares for Kilcock commuters in November I can confirm this reduced price will commence from Thursday now that the Leap readers have been installed at Kilcock station. The NTA have recently finished installing Leap Card readers which will enable the new pricing structure. You Continue Reading →