Irish Water: An Expensive Lesson on Government Incompetence

This week the European body Eurostat examined how Irish Water was funded and it was found the Government could not shovel debts on the Irish taxpayer “off balance sheet”. Off balance sheet means that these debts wouldn’t appear in our national finances. It was back door borrowing and the Government Continue Reading →

Irish Water Debates at Kildare County Council

At the Kildare County Council meeting on 26th November a number of motions on water charges were debated. These included two tabled by FF, one from SF and one Independent. I proposed a Fianna Fáil led motion to “cease charging for water and instead concentrate on network investment, conservation and infrastructure Continue Reading →

Irish Water Issue Finally Stopped Blocking Estate Maintenance

The long awaited protocol from Irish Water for taking in charge of estates finally issued on the 6th November. I have been campaigning for estates to be taken in charge by the council for the past two years. When an estate is taken in charge it means that the council Continue Reading →

Irish Water Still Delaying TIC of Kildare Estates

Recently I had questions raised in the Dáil seeking clarification regarding the stalling of taking-in-charge of estates since the set up of Irish Water. Kildare South Deputy, Sean O’Fearghail, tabled a number of questions to the Minister on my behalf to clarify the situation on water and taking-in-charge. I raised Continue Reading →

Taking in Charge Stalled by Irish Water Legal Fiasco

Taking in Charge of estates remains a hot topic around County Kildare as numerous estates are waiting for the Council to take them over so they can begin to avail of public services. In some cases estates are not even having their street lights repaired at present as the council Continue Reading →