Imagine Bring High-Speed Broadband to Rural Kildare

I’ve been in continuous contact with various providers looking at ways to roll out broadband to rural parts of Kildare. Once such provider I’ve been working with is Imagine. They recently announced that high speed broadband will be rolled out in rural parts of Ireland. This week I was delighted Continue Reading →

Welcome to Rural Broadband Services in North West Kildare

I welcome the new exchanged based version of fibre powered broadband which was launched in Broadford and Carbury on 29th July. These new cabinets will allow faster internet speeds for local residents and businesses. Broadband is a basic infrastructural requirement now, almost like electricity was at one time, and it is something Continue Reading →

Kilteel / Eadestown / Rathmore eFibre Rollout

I have been trying to make progress on broadband for the Kilteel / Eadestown / Rathmore area for some time. Unfortunately the latest news from Eircom is not so good here: These areas are served by four exchanges – Brittas (Kilteel area), Kill (Kilteel/Rathmore), Rathmore (Rathmore and Eadestown) and Rathcoole Continue Reading →

Prosperous Broadband Update

Prosperous Broadband Rollout As per other posts, I have been lobbying to ensure broadband is rolled out across the area and am in regular contact with Eircom senior management to obtain details of how the eFibre rollout is progressing. Re Prosperous I was informed last week that the first two cabinets are due to be fibre enabled Continue Reading →