The Dart+ West and Dart+ South West are two projects that bring the Dart line electrification out to Maynooth on one line and Hazelhatch on the other. I believe that they should be extended just that little bit further, which by doing so would be of huge benefit to the commuter population.
The Dart+ West should go to Kilcock, if not Enfield. The depot is in Kilcock, so the residents of Kilcock will see the trains coming in and out in the morning and evening but they cannot board them because it starts one station up, in Maynooth. In the case of Hazelhatch and Dart+ South West, it stops at Hazelhatch in the new Dart proposals. Sallins and Newbridge should be included as well. They are the stations with the bulk of the commuting population and would greatly benefit from this line extension.
This is a really positive infrastructural investment, but extending it just a small bit further would be of huge benefit to commuters.