A receiver has been appointed for Naas Town Centre. This appointment comes after years of uncertainty on the town centre site. I have been championing this project for some time and have held a series of meetings with NAMA, Kildare County Council, the former owners and a number of other stakeholders to advance the project. The appointment of a receiver is a significant step and this will allow the project to proceed to sale. The appointment of this receiver was essentially the final hurdle in allowing a sale of the project to take place.
I have again spoken with potential buyers in the last few weeks since the receiver was appointed. Following this move, these buyers will have a new chance to put proposals to Kildare County Council as this removes many of the legacy issues which had previously dogged the site. The old planning permission is obsolete so there is a fresh chance to make this work.
I am very please with this significant step forward for the development. There are many strands to Naas as a retail destination but completing the town centre is one of the biggest steps. I will continue to work on this project to ensure it change hands, progresses, and gets open for business as soon as possible.