I have spoken with the Minister to highlight the urgent need for additional car parking facilities to accommodate the growing use of public transport in Kildare North. From my representations with the Minister I understand there is little funding available but he has informed me that a midterm review is underway in his Department. I would urge the Department to find funding sources in this review for park and ride facilities in the county.
In Sallins following my meetings with Irish Rail we secured 40 additional car parking spaces. However this is not the case in other towns where park and ride facilities are lacking. Clane, Maynooth, and Kilcock are all locations I am working on providing park and ride facilities as more people return to public transport.
In Clane the challenge is to source a site. I know from my clinics and being on the ground the demand for a park and ride is very high in Clane as residents get the 120 bus to Dublin and back daily. At the moment work is being made on a suitable site.
I am working with Kildare County Council and local Cllr. Paul Ward on a park and ride for Kilcock. Since securing cheaper rail fares for Kilcock residents I am aware that demand for parking in the town has increased. We are looking at sites near Musgraves for a park and ride facility in Kilcock.
Finally in Maynooth I have raised with Irish Rail the need for the car park to be extended. By 7am most mornings the car park is full. In some cases commuters have returned home to find their car blocked in by bad parking, such is the demand for spaces in the car park. Irish Rail is aware of the situation following my representations and I will continue to press for a solution.