With A.G.S.I General Secretary outside Government Buildings

I was delighted to lend my support to members of the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (A.G.S.I) outside Government Buildings recently. In particular it was great to meet up with General Secretary and Eadestown resident John Jacob to listen to concerns of members. Steps need to be taken to Continue Reading →

Policy Priorities

Here are some of my main policy priorities I would pursue if elected to Dáil Éireann. I’ve been outspoken on these issues over the years, however, there is only a limited amount I can achieve as a local community activist and county councillor. Most of these issues need to be Continue Reading →

Public Meeting on Crime in Kilteel

I chaired a really interesting and interactive meeting on Crime Prevention in Kilteel Hall on 28th January 2016. Guest speakers Jim Brady and Colin Connolly spoke about their personal experiences with burglary and crime. Jim is an ex-member of Defence Forces and had some great advice on avoiding burglary. Colin Continue Reading →

Fine Gael Rules Out Reopening of Garda Stations in Kildare

Comments made by Minister for Justice Francis Fitzgerald are unacceptable after she has completely ruled out the reopening of rural Garda stations closed by Fine Gael and Labour over the last five years. The closure of rural Garda stations in Kildare, coupled with cutbacks to Garda resources, has coincided with Continue Reading →