Focus on Policy; Tech & Innovation

Am Fianna Fáil spokesperson on Science and Technology Deal with Social Media Companies on regulation Introduced new laws to manage social media Proposed regulation for “fake news” and dark ads Measures to avoid online harms and internet safety Have argued for importance of cyber-security Member of International Cross-Parliamentary Group Quoted Continue Reading →

New measures needed to safeguard our heritage in the digital age

As Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Technology I have brought forward new legislation aimed at safeguarding our national and cultural heritage in the digital age. ‘The Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Law Amendment Bill’ aims to introduce a new provision to capture and archive the content contained on the .ie web Continue Reading →

Minister must bring CERN talks to Cabinet

As Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Science, Technology, Research& Development I have urged Minister Francis Fitzgerald to accelerate the process of Ireland joining CERN. Membership of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) has major benefits for the research and development sector in Ireland yet no progress has been made by Continue Reading →

Commitment from Taoiseach in his first Leaders Questions

I have called on the Taoiseach, in his first Dáil debate since being elected to the role,  to urge his Government officials to utilise digital technologies when answering queries. The programme for Government includes a commitment to improve the flow of information from Departments to Deputies.