Fine Gael Rules Out Reopening of Garda Stations in Kildare

Comments made by Minister for Justice Francis Fitzgerald are unacceptable after she has completely ruled out the reopening of rural Garda stations closed by Fine Gael and Labour over the last five years. The closure of rural Garda stations in Kildare, coupled with cutbacks to Garda resources, has coincided with Continue Reading →

Naas MD Discretionary Spending Budget 2016

The Naas Municipal District has now drawn up and agreed its budget for 2016. Whilst the significant bulk of the annual budget continues to be addressed towards the key pillars of housing provision, roads and engineering, environmental protection, planning, economic development etc, there is a small pool of money ring Continue Reading →

Welcome Investment of LPT in Local Roads

On being elected I was determined that funds collected from the local property tax (LPT) must be spent locally and not redirected back to national government. At council level, we have made allocations around the district with significant grants being made to Tidy Towns and residents association groups across the Naas district. Continue Reading →

Recent Garda Figures for Kildare North Appalling

Recent figures released show a significant decrease in Garda numbers deployed in Kildare. The government have failed in their lack of forward planning and regard to the public safety of Kildare residents. This news comes on top of a spate of closures of Garda stations by the government which I Continue Reading →

Motion on Wind Turbine Setback Passed at Council

At yesterday’s full meeting of Kildare County Council, the Fianna Fáil group pushed through a motion calling for a minimum setback distance on wind turbines of 10 times tip height, to be incorporated into the county development plan and applied to future developments including the Maighne wind farm, application for Continue Reading →