Balyna Water Scheme Refunds

I am pleased to confirm members from Broadford, Johnstownbridge, Cadamstown, Kilshanroe, and the surrounding areas who paid into the Balyna Group Water Scheme will be refunded. This is something I have regularly raised in the Dail and with senior council officials. The council will be writing to members in the Continue Reading →

Footpath Improvements for Sallins

In conjuction with Cllr. Carmel Kelly I am delighted confirm that our works have been carried out on footpath repairs in the village. The repairs works inculded the main footpath through the town. Next to be done is the section on way to primary school going past the Creche. The Continue Reading →

Irish Water Debates at Kildare County Council

At the Kildare County Council meeting on 26th November a number of motions on water charges were debated. These included two tabled by FF, one from SF and one Independent. I proposed a Fianna Fáil led motion to “cease charging for water and instead concentrate on network investment, conservation and infrastructure Continue Reading →

Proposal for Live Streaming of Council Meetings

At the Kildare County Council meeting on Monday 28th July, I made a call for live online streaming of all future council meetings. I tabled the motion requesting that the council explore streaming meetings of the council live over the web and requested that both district level and full council Continue Reading →