New Train Welcomed for Sallins & Naas Station

This week I had discussions with Irish Rail and they agreed with me that they would add an extra morning Dublin-bound service to serve Sallins & Naas train station. As a member of the NASRUG train lobby group, I meet regularly with Irish Rail on behalf of local Rail Commuters, and this was the latest item from their agenda.

There was a new timetable introduced late last year, which was fine in the main but it did open up a few gaps in the schedule. One issue was at morning time between 8am and 9am you had a big gap between trains. There was traditionally always a service in around 8.30am which was perfect for those doing crèche runs etc to still catch a train to make Dublin before 9am.

However in the last timetable this service was dropped off the radar leaving almost a 45 minute window with no train coming through. So if you were dropping off children or for whatever reason missed the 8.15am you had to either wait 45 minutes until the next train or else get into your car and battle traffic up to Dublin despite maybe having paid for a season ticket.

In any event Irish Rail took on board the feedback and worked with me on this and I am delighted to say that we have now agreed a new stop on the morning timetable out of Sallins which will be at 8.35am getting into Dublin for 8.57am daily. I would like to thank Irish Rail for their engagement and co-operation on this.

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