New Den for 6th Kildare Kill Scouts Group

Together with members of the Kill scouts group and their scout leader Clem Gavin.

Together with members of the Kill scouts group and their scout leader Clem Gavin.

The 6th Kildare Kill scouts group have been nomads for years until the recent news that we’ve been successful finding a new scouts den for them. The scouts group which has more than 130 members from Kill, Johnstown and Ardclough now has use of the community hall at St. John’s in Johnstown. I have been working on finding a den for the group over the last few years. Working with the hall owner, local residents and the scouts group and their leader Clem Gavin, we successfully came to an arrangement to allow the scouts group use of the St. John’s community hall. The scouts groups never had any proper home until now. This is welcome news for the 130 plus children and adults involved. This new den is a credit to all the parties involved, including the owner of the hall and local residents in Johnstown. I’m delighted I was involved to help to make this happen.

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