#IBA 10 !

blogawardsIrish Blog Awards 2010 (aka #iba10 to Dan Boyle and the like) is here again. Delighted to see that for the third year in a row I have been nominated for an award.

This year I feature in two categories, this blog is in under ‘Best blog by a politician’ which I quite like as before I was lumped in with ‘political blogs’ which was good company sure, but difficult on a competitive level where the categories differed subtly. Some were dedicated commentators and analysts (including some professional journalists) and others were trying to knock out a few words when time permitted to give a local heads up. So the new category makes sense and is better suited here.

During the past year I also joined the team at IrishElection.com which is a previous multi-award winner and I would like to think their new recruit’s alternate analysis and keen counterpoint to the anti-establishment bias gives them a more complete portfolio and may even nudge the award back into the IE camp again. This time with me joining them in the winners’ enclosure of course 🙂

Full list of nominations and categories here:


3 Replies to “#IBA 10 !”

  1. C

    Best of luck with that.

    Joan Burton is in the same category as you…if she wins, I’m gonna set fire to my laptop.

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