With A.G.S.I General Secretary outside Government Buildings

With A.G.S.I General Secretary John Jacob and Fianna Fáil T.D. Margaret Murphy O'Mahony

With A.G.S.I General Secretary John Jacob and Fianna Fáil T.D. Margaret Murphy O’Mahony

I was delighted to lend my support to members of the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (A.G.S.I) outside Government Buildings recently. In particular it was great to meet up with General Secretary and Eadestown resident John Jacob to listen to concerns of members.

Steps need to be taken to ensure members of our Garda are provided with better paying conditions to ensure they are adequately compensated for the demanding and brave work they do on a daily basis. I look forward to working with General Secretary Jacob and other members of the association to progress this matter

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