Comments please..

Hello everybody. I’ve been blogging since late 2007 and have received a nomination in each year for the ‘Blog Awards’, the 2010 instalment of which is almost upon us. Each year I’ve received a citation and made the long list which is nice in itself but I haven’t yet reached the critical mass which would propel me onto a shortlist or get people to take notice.  Partly I write because it’s therapeutic, partly because I often have strong views which I feel the need to release upon the world, but in a large part I write for feedback. I want to know what people think, do people agree or disagree, am I on the money or off the wall. Comments (feedback) are the lifeblood of blogging. I would like to know that someone is out there. A blog needs to have dialogue for it to be real. Otherwise I might as well write a closed book diary.

So I’m making an appeal. If you like this blog or if it provokes you in any way please say so.  Just try leaving a comment after you read a post. Tell your friends, spread the word. Lionise or lacerate, your choice.  But either way I’d love to hear your views..

PS To those of you who already comment thankyou it is much appreciated.

7 Replies to “Comments please..”

  1. Donal

    I thought your post on the ‘Political Compass’ was very good. I was trying to talk the test myself afterwards but it was taking so long that I had to postpone it. The questions did make you think about your own political opinions.

    By the way, I’m not sure if it’s just me and my browser set-up but I find your posts easier to read in Google Reader rather than on your blog site itself. Maybe you could tweak the size or the font.

    I like the tag cloud idea on the side.

  2. James Lawless Post author

    Thanks Donal! Have another go at the test. It does take a little while so pick a quiet time (its more complicated than those random facebook quizzes!).

    Post back your result and let’s compare notes.

  3. C

    Yep, the comments add a lot to the blog.

    Now, question for you:

    If they invent safe cigarettes, should they lift the smoking ban?

    [YES] / [NO] ?

  4. Damien

    I don’t comment here much, but I enjoy reading your posts (through RSS). It’s great to see more people discussing politics online, particularly when your viewpoint is often different from many commenters on other sites. Diversity of opinion is always important in politics.

  5. Des Groome

    I only recently started to contribute on and to blog on my website. I have more opportunity lately as my work is now more managerial than in the field, on the hoof( literally) as before.
    I think I need a dedicated website/blog page to reach more people though. I am chairman of the Kildare Chamber which I use as a soap box as well.
    Like you I am very pro-Lisbon and will issue press releases on the importance of Europe for the business and farming community throughout September.
    By the way I think needs more balance – It seems to be full of rabid Trade Unionists/Socialists. But Maybe thats just the prevailing trend being reflected .
    I ama great fan of Obama also. Remember he is a very Christian man and will scare the right by setting out a radical stall, but will then reform in a more compromising moderate fashion to bring everyone along with him. So I like the way he seems to be declaring policy wars… but then moving forward to reform softly.

  6. James Lawless Post author

    Thanks for all the feedback folks!

    @Conor – not sure what you mean by safe cigarrettes? Do you mean non-carcinogenic? TBH although I indulge the odd time myself (cigars) I’ve gotten used to the clean air of a modern pub. I’m not sure I would fancy going back to the old smog filled snugs whether the air was carcinogenic or otherwise..

    @Damien thanks for that I agree. The blogosphere tends to behave as a collective and I think the likes of myself and yourself provide an important counter balance. Life is never black and white and it’s a much richer world with diversity. Politics cannot be reduced to populist soundbytes. There’s a wider world out there that needs to be heard.

    @Des thanks for your regular comments, they always give me food for thought. I particularly liked your folk memories piece, it struck a number of chords with me. I was in Connemara at the time with limited web access but I picked it up one day and reflected on it for a few days after. I was staying at the time in a hill cottage previously occupied by a bachelor farmer. Some the folk memory you describe would have been current up till very recently in that place. I’m aware you’re a relatively recent web convert but you have been prolific enough in your uptake. Good luck with your own blogging efforts, give me a shout if you ever want compare notes.

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