Pictured in photo are Mia Flynn, Ben Flynn, Alex Foley, Mr. Foley, Larry Byrne, Liam Kelly, Pat Reid and James Lawless.
Local Area Representative James Lawless is supporting local residents calls for a pedestrian or zebra crossing to be installed in Kill village. The volume of cars through the village makes the road hazardous for shoppers, school children and elderly residents who all struggle to find a break in the traffic and get across. Locals are calling on the council to take action before the worst case scenario arises and someone gets injured or worse and James is supporting them.
“Since I was appointed as a local area rep in the Summer there are some issues that have been raised repeatedly and this is one of them” said James. “Local residents have told me how difficult it can be to get across the very busy main street and I have seen it with my own eyes as well. The cars coming in off the motorway barely pause for breath before flying through the village, especially on a Friday evening” said James. “I am calling on the council to look at putting in a basic pedestrian crossing before the situation deteriorates or an accident occurs. They could allocate some of their roads budget to Kill village and it is badly needed here” concluded James.
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