My submission to ABP on proposed High Rise SHD at Crodaun, Celbridge
Read my submission to An Bord Pleanala here. Summary: Residents in Celbridge are campaigning for changes to the proposed multi-storey apartment and housing complex being planned for opposite Croduan on the Maynooth road. I joined residents onsite today to support their campaign, in what was my third meeting on the Continue Reading →

Visit to Clane Irish Wheelchair Association Community Centre
I visited the Clane Irish Wheelchair Association Community Centre last week to meet the team and residents and get a tour of the centre and an insight into the work they are doing. We discussed transport issues that wheelchair users encounter on a daily basis, and I was presented with Continue Reading →

Special Mobility Trike Awarded to Róisín O’Loughlin
I had the pleasure of visiting Róisín O’Loughlin and her family this morning in Newtown, Kilcock, who received a Special Mobility Trike as part of the Variety Ireland’s Recycle Mobility Campaign. My own Department co-funded this initiative. Since its launch, Variety- the Children’s Charity of Ireland has helped to deliver Continue Reading →

Government Funding Secured for Curragh Camp
Am delighted to confirm government funding for Curragh Camp, with Tánaiste today announcing €8.6 million funding for a new Communications and Information Services Workshop in the Defence Forces Training Centre there.I visited recently with an Tanaiste, and we spoke with the team there about how their remit is constantly expanding Continue Reading →

Approval for DART+ Extension to Maynooth
I am delighted to welcome the approval from An Bord Pleanala of the DART extension to Maynooth and the electrification of the line right into city centre. This, along with the DART SouthWest on the Hazelhatch line, has been one of my priorities since I was appointed a Minister in Continue Reading →

Kildare Down Syndrome Regional Council Meeting
I had the pleasure of attending last night’s Down Syndrome Kildare Regional Council meeting in An Garraí Beag, Sallins. A pleasure to be invited and to meet with the council members who gave me a very impressive presentation of their recent work.